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Child Classes

Mommy/Daddy and Me Craft Club (1-3)Thursdays @ 11am- 

Craft Club (3-5) Tuesdays @11am- 

Craft Club (6-10) Mondays @ 4pm- In this class we will explore various crafting skills; making jewelry, simple books, nature crafts, small toy making and lots more. 
You are welcome to drop your child or children for this class. 

Craft Club (11-16) Wednesdays @4pm- This class is for older children looking to really expand their crafting skills. 

Beginner's knitting (7+)- $45 for 3 one hour classes. Bamboo needles and yarn will be provided for starting.
Why should children learn to knit? Please read this article for all of the wonderful benefits to children learning to knit.

Beginner's Hand Sewing Workshop (9+)- $100 This is a 4 day workshop (with an optional 5th day for $25 more if your child still needs a little help). We will be working with felt to create a pincushion, sewing needle book, scissor case, and a small tote to hold all their supplies. Each class is 2 hours. Wool felt, scissors, and needles are all supplied.

Mandala Workshop (7-12)- $30 for 3 days, 1 hour classes. We will be making individual and group mandalas from flowers and plants, working on a large group mandala and individual ones, and then we will make either wooden pendants or wooden disk mandala for hanging.

**More children classes to be added soon**

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